Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm Sorry

Hi, I'm back, probably not for long though. My life has become filled with non-computerness. I have spent less time on the computer than I ever have before, there are some days where I don't even turn on my laptop. Yesterday all I used it for was to get guitar chords and complete homework.

So now instead of sitting on the computer all night, I go for frequent jogs, i'm actually going for one right after I post this! I also have been reading my bible alot more, my ipod bible I mean... Seriously I think ipod touches are the most useful things in creation, instead of spending hours on your computer you can check up on everything you need within seconds! And the bible app is fantastic offering ever translation and version you can think of! They even have reading plans! I'm currently doing the New Testament reading plan and I'm like four days ahead.

Anyway, boys... your posts are getting a little useless, except mikes death one, but we should avoid USELESS posts... I can't even keep myself to reading them... They want to hear about CAMP.


Seriously though, whoever doesn't have an ipod touch, just get one, I mean they arent that pricey, I got mine for 80 bucks, just look for deals yo!

anyway ttyl!