Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Awesome weekend!!

So, went to Timmins this weekend, and wow it was epicness in the extreme. First of all we told no one that we were coming and pulled a nice little prank on Beatrice which pretty much made my night. The conference was extremely well done, my hats off to Joel for a job well done. However, half the fun was after the conference was over. After picking up several people from South Porcupine we pretty much just drove around like idiots and listened to loud music. We also did some hot tubing at Jeff's...twice:) and went to the Broughton's. Now the night at the Broughton's was awesome, but unfortunately ended with both of their living room couches being broken. I am still stumped as to how 4 people sitting on the couch caused it to break...heck Nolan was the only fat one on the couch too. Anyway, brea got in a bit of trouble, but hopefully not to much. So yeah there were a couple misfortunes, but for the most part an unforgetable weekend.

PS. video blog will be posted in the next few days :)