Friday, December 24, 2010

Mr. MeatClaws & Meatmas

Once a Year
And only once a Year
On the day before Meatmas
Mr. MeatClaws makes a trip around
This wonderful celestial ball that is floating in space
Looking for all the good little boys and girls
And gives them all the most wonderful kinds of Meat
Pork, Beef, Ham, Hot Rods, Jerky, Salami, Turkey
And many other types of meat that you can't even Imagen
And the most important one of all, Bacon!
And remember Bacon is the reason For Meatmas!

Merry Meatmas

Now here are four tips to having a Wonderful Christmas:

  • Jesus
Jesus is the reason for the season! Keep this in mind and you can't go wrong!

  • Family
Spend time with your family. Just stop everything, Stop texting, Stop Facebooking, Stop MSNing, Stop Blogging(I know, I'm a hypocrite!) and go play a game or chill with your Family! Just remember you can't choose your family so you might as well have a good attitude about having to hang with them!

  • Food
Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Pie, Ice Cream. Multiply that list by about 6 and you'll be good! (Turkey+ Stuffing + Mashed Potatoes + Gravy + (Pie + Cake) + Ice Cream X 6 = Christmas)

  • Gifts
Maybe a Gift or two might be nice as well but this is just a Side note! Oh! SNAP! I should go Christmas Shopping! :S

Merry Christmas!
Nolan Out!

P.s. Santa Doesn't exist