Saturday, August 28, 2010


I can't thank God more for the summer he gave me this year. It was truly awesome and I enjoyed every minute of it.

There's nothing more encouraging than camp and this year I took it more seriously than ever it was really cool. Gary Goodkey spoke and it was awesome!

My cabin... The Otter (Walrus Noise) was so awesome! and our councellor was probably the coolest guy on earth ahhaha it was alot of fun.

Everyone got mohawks and I know this will be repeated through every post from the other guys ahha but I mean you at least get a triple dose of awesome!

Tonight I'm going to an end of the year party (Pop and chip party just in case "fellow Christian" is reading.) The party is at first baptist church and its going to be loads of fun! Yeaaaaaaaaaah!

My battery is dieing... so I have to go.

I promise posts will become more regular when i'm more settled in haha.