Saturday, August 28, 2010

Well That Was Interesting

Home, home on the range!

Well I'm back folks. I hoped you missed me. Even though you probably ALL were at Youth Camp.

Yes, I am the Nathanael who writes on the blog to the two people who asked. I feel loved!

Come to the Sudbury Youth Conference. DO it!

Nolan is the leader of a cult. Or two. But I'm only talking about the one involving twelve bajillion mohawks.

I should really stop writing in random, point format.


Camp was great. We had an amazing (convicting >.<) speaker (Gary Goodkey[?]). We had an amazing director/head counsellor person (Chris Cornthwite[?]). We had an amazing time. There were sports to skip, teams to swap, verses to learn, games to play, food to eat, messages to hear, people to socialize (hah) with, strange men with had everything except technology...

Starcraft 2 is aw-NO! No more point format!

To be honest, the whole experience was a learning one. You get to learn about others, you get to learn about (Uh oh...beware the cheesyness...) yourself, you get to learn about God, you get to learn about the Bible, you get to learn about docks, you get to learn about how to learn (seriously), you get to learn about hair.

Starcraft 2 is so aw-*SLAP*

Ah well. A random story will be given tomorrow. Until then...


Starcraft 2 is so very awesome.