Saturday, October 23, 2010



Unless of course you are an insomniac and you want to fall asleep. Like seriously NOTHING happens.

Well so far this weekend I have had a blast. Went to a Halloween party, I was a 50's Gangster/Mafia/Stalker/Bank Robber person... Yeah it was the best costume I could get with out havening to get a real costume, Baha! I hate dressing up, it is just annoying!

I hate dressing up. Even for weddings, like suits are from the Devil, well okay maybe not from the Devil but they are really stupid and uncomfortable!

Almost as uncomfortable as jumping off a chair lift and getting eating by wolves! And that is pretty freaking uncomfortable!

I don't wanna get married for the one fact, I have to wear a Tux... *blegh*

Well I guess... I could... Dress up... Mayyyybe... for that special someone! If you catch my drift!

But the weekend has been awesome I reconnected with some old friends and just had a good time! Also NEVER WATCH FROZEN! It is the lamest movie ever!

Well this is all I got for you guys today!

Nolan Out!