So anyway, I guess part of this "blog" thing is to tell about my day, so...
It started simple. As always, my mom had to try many times to wake me up, before I eventually did. After doing our family bible devotions and after I had ate breakfast, I mozied on down the stairs to start a day of online high school. Yes, online. As in on the computer. Anywho, after doing one quiz, two tests, and working on assignments, I commenced to eat a poptart for lunch, with chocolate milk as my ever-so-delicious beverage. That being done, my mother, my sister, and I made our way to the Ancient History course at the chapel (the learning never ends!). Fortunately, this course is moderately interesting, and people I know attend it too, which is a bonus. After I got home from that, I was faced with the strenuous task of pulling Dandelions from the yard. Boring, eh? But fear ye not, ye supense-filled readers! For I was not alone on my quest! Allow me to introduce you to the "Weed Hound" weed-puller.
So I guess you can kind of call this my weapon to face the threat that are the yellow menaces! So I began to pull up the Dandelions, first by weeding out (no pun intended) the big clusters from the group. Unfortunately, I couldn't get all the small ones as well so I have to do more tomorrow...
After that I had my supper of French Toast and MORE chocolate milk, and finished writing this post. Now I'm off to play some pwnage video games on my ultra high-spec computer!
Peace out,