Monday, May 17, 2010

Vlog after Vlog

Hey Y'all, so yesterday I just got home from Overflow, it was probably the best weekend of my life.. No Joke, if you ever get the chance to go please do whatever you can to.

The Theme:
I am compelled by God’s love and grace; by His mercy and His hope; by His righteousness and faithfulness. He has changed my life and I will never be the same.

Because I know the life and freedom He has given to me, and what His Word has promised,

I will let the love of Christ compel me; let it move me to love others lavishly.
I will show grace because I have been shown grace.
I will let the hope I now know shine in a world of despair.

I can’t not respond in attitude, word, and deed to what He has done in my life. I must give, serve, and love.

I am compelled

I Joel Black am Compelled.

Even though the videos are just alot of fun times it was an extremely convicting.

Here's just a recap of what was there:

The Glorious Unseen ---- One of my Favorite Bands

Overflow House Band

Bob Lenz --- Amazing

Brett Ullman - Seriously Check him out

There was tons of other things, it was amazing, but that's all for now.