Thursday, May 6, 2010

Whats Mine is Yours and Whats Yours is Mine. HAH

If mine is yours and yours is mine in that order then everything is mine and you'll wind up dead in a ditch bleeding out of an extra hole in the back of your head. I love Communism.


I love being on the recieving end of Communism.


I love being on the recieving end of Communism that is applied in the current world.

Glorious, glorious Communism. It gives me money and gives excuse to give me money. would give me money if I was the would also give me power to make people swim in the Arctic Ocean...Hmmm...

I need a time machine...

With a time machine I could take an iPod into the past, sell it for gold, go to the future, buy a compact, powerful plasma powered automatic rifle, go back 80 years into the past, and take my rightful place as Czar. Then I would study history and find the best possible way to control the world. Mua. Hahaha. Also, this blog will be the ultimate worldly power. Happy ding noise.

But, alas, time machines will never be made. I know this by the fact that I have not been given $500 by a great great etc. grandchild.

Thoughts on Time Communism...
Now to punch some puppies.