Friday, November 26, 2010


One Benjamin Davey wrote:
Hey, just a quick reminder, when you put up the nest poll could you put Lauren Woods in it? I said that whoever did the best on my little movie trivia would get into the next poll. And maybe try and make her have a positive position in the poll, we want to encourage people to participate :P

And of course, I'm obliged to do just that! But first, this week's Poll recount!

Yes - 11 Votes (42%)
No - 4 Votes (15%)
42 - 11 Votes (42%)

 Before I go into the "What we have learned" shenanigans, id just like to point out that I am REALLY upset with you people. 11 of you were boring enough to answer yes to this poll! Seriously! Bah...

  • 11 people are absolutely true in every imaginable way
  • It may CLAIM that we got 26 votes on this poll, but really we had 42.
  • 4 People don't exist... I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!
  • 11 people are boring.

Enjoy the new poll plebeians! Especially you Lauren!