Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Doo (Adelle's Post)

So until we get Adelle up as a blogger she will be posting her posts through me.
Here's her second post,


So apparently I am a blogger. Not just a blogger, but also a new blogger! I have never done anything like this before so this is all very new to me. That being said, I shall try to write about interesting things that you can all relate to. I am also going to be posting any cool pictures that I draw. I am really happy that Nolan, Ben, and all the other bloggers added me to their super awesome team!

New Doo

Getting a new hair cut is like changing your identity. Well, not quite that severe, but it is definitely a good way to change your appearance. I find I sometimes get bored of the same cut, and it is time for a change. Colouring your hair is a great way to do this. Like one summer, I really wanted to do something crazy, and wild. So I dyed a piece of my front bangs a very bright red! It was great, because it really went with my summer wardrobe. You know, bright colours and funky styles.

My latest hair do is straight across bangs. I haven’t done that since I was very little, so it is a very strange feeling to have them again. I keep trying to pull them back to one side, but then realize they are suppose to be across like that. I really like it, though. I find it suits my personality.

It’s funny how the slightest difference, like bangs, can change your appearance. When I got home my oldest brother couldn’t get over how different I looked. I thought it was really hilarious, and a small change like that was just what I wanted. Hair has a big impact on our appearance!