Monday, March 22, 2010

The Blitz of a Winter Variety.

(Article was written March 19th)

March Break is brilliant. Really it is.

This week can be compared to going through a shooting gallery, where the targets are all warlocks, and blasting each one of their pudgy-smelly faces to little warlocky bits. With a shotgun.

Been keeping really busy, working on making my law project as epic as possible, working on special effects, playing WoW, the usual… but beyond that, I’ve been adventurneering beyond the house quite a bit too! I went to Laurentian University for a tour and saw Sir Michael Wright, who is smart enough to be taking the same course as me next year! The very same day I went to the Simard’s, learnt that EVERYTHING is better on fire (with the singular exception of yourself, but only then from your perspective) and did a ton of other stuff around the week.

Including killing this one Warlo-… OK Yeah I'm growing as tired of that as you are.

Just now I’m at the Winter Blitz staying at the Billets house, and I can honestly say this is one of the best days I can remember in a looong time.

I’ve been trying to level my SOCIAL level up a bit this year (And my STR rating, but that’s from weightlifting and thus a different story. I’m going to hit level 4 soon though!) And it’s really starting to show in my capacity to talk and interact with people. I’m not level capped now, for sure, but I’m definitely improving. (I'm begining to suspect that my Green Linen Shirt has some hidden +social bonus on it... thats the only reason I can come up with)

On a serious note: I thank God for the Christian brothers and sisters out there… They give me hope that this world still holds some good in it.