Monday, March 8, 2010

Of Warlocks and Shotguns

I write this from the depths of a dark, cold office somewhere in the middle of a highschool... Hiding from the vile hordes of teenagers and teachers that await me outside of the blessed protection of this room...

I'm beginning to just accept the fact that my hatred of school is eclipsed only by my hatred of Warlocks and Rogues who use stabby things.
(And I hate Warlocks. I really do.)

While I'm here, I figure I'll play around with the site template a bit and fix up the XML later when I get home (EDIT: This is now done, looks pretty nice besides for a Light-forsaken logo that has a nasty habit of making my eyes bleed) You can all thank me in the form of donations. Large ones.

Moving on, I would just like to state that Nolan was incorrect in saying I am a Shotgun Ninja.
Firstly: Ninjas don't use shotguns
Secondarily: I don't use Shotguns.
LastOfAll-ly: I'm not a Ninja.

But my time draws to a close. have a good day all of you! Unless your a warlock, then you can burn.