Monday, March 22, 2010

Blitz of a Wintery Variety part Deus

Sometimes you’re just really wrong. In a good way.
(At the actual time of this writing, its right after Saturday of the Blitz, and despite my BEST attempts to hack through this wireless network or hook up a satellite uplink, I have no internet with which to post this. Same as the previous one, just as a sidenote)

Today I went to the Blitz really worried about my social ability, especially in groups.
See us technologically orientated types don’t get a whole lot of practice with the whole “talking to other living beings” thing. This was made all the more discouraging because of a bonfire a few days back, where I just ended up not talking to people at all whilst dreaming of Warcraft and Warlocks. Dead ones.

But as it turns out, I'm not as totally hopeless as I had once thought.
I met a real friend in one Sam Lenover, who really just a great guy even if he is a hordey, and managed to actually talk to him and Jenna Wood for long periods of time. Which, as mundane as that might sound to most of you normal folk out there, is actually pretty impressive for me.
Also, we wrestled. That was fun, but I fail.

Now i'm off to go to sleep, or at least the next best thing, as Nathaniel Martin and I are discussing Perverted Cats late at night. So I bid you all adieu, and I pray that you all forgive me for using a french word in this conclusion.