Friday, July 23, 2010

Inception, Toy Story 3, Hurt in the Inside

Inception was shiny. Really shiny. Leo is ugly though (unlike the special effects). Beautifully done. And shiny. Good plot as well. Of course...not as good as...

Toy Story 3.

Best. Thing. Ever.


There was no fault to the movie. Spectacular animation. Funny. Heart warming. SCARY TOYS! A monkey.


I'm hurt in the heart.


Everyone who reads this vote "Fail". This is part of a reader test. Only vote once personally. No multi-voting. We will kill you.


Seriousness: This blog needs to grow. To grow it needs support. You are the support. Spread the word and give us your suggestions as to how this blog can grow. We want your brains. T-Shirt ideas, marketting ideas, content ideas. TELL US! Use the comment system well. Have any special skills (or expensive high end recording equipment. Same difference) that you would like to contribute? Go right ahead! Tell us.


I'm too tired to think of anything funny.


Pick your favorite idea out of this list:

-Video series of any kind

-Weekly comic

-Blog Merchandise (small to stickers)



-Brisk Poem-

Oh how I love,
Brisk Lemonade,
Sent from above,
Brisk Lemonade!

It's taste so sweet,
Brisk Lemonade.
It can't be beat,
Brisk Lemonade!

Fizzt! That is from,
Brisk Lemonade,
The sounds of yum,
Brisk Lemonade!

Like molten gold,
Brisk Lemonade,
Value untold,