Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy 4/20 Everyone!

You blog readers are just plain RUDE. I AM NOT THE WORST BLOGGER... Mike has RIGGED it... Oh and I warn whoever voted Chuck Norris, is going to die.

So yeah. Today I went to school like a good boy, did a really hard math test that would probably be super easy for anyone who isn't mentally challenged... It was factoring, and I got to use a graphing calculator. (Mike will LOL at this...)

So basically that's about it, I get to do some really cool songs for Performance class though, I'm doing Melody for the Islander by Nightwish, and then i'm doing Proud Mary (my personal favourite) and lastly, Pride and Joy.

I think a nuclear attack is happening... The power just went out and I heard a gunshot, and I can't sign into my email!! They've cut off our sources! And now my cat wants to play... He gets really bossy when he wants you to play with him, he'll follow you all over and attack your feet if you don't. it's kind of hilarious. He also loves taking picture, it's quite the entertainment, but I can't have him around the computer too long or he'll paw at the screen trying to get the mouse.

Yesterday if anyone didn't notice the video on the youtube homepage, you can view it here. It pretty much proves Beyonce and Jay-Z are possessed. If you haven't seen the five part series on youtube I suggest you watch it. Basically this video is titled "Young Forever" although they sing "Forever Young". "Young" is the suspected name of the spirit that leads Beyonce and Jay-Z. This is portrayed in the music video "Crazy in Love" where it alludes to Jay-Z and Beyonce being possessed in the back seat of a car, and something about a rising Phoenix. Beyonce also is known as "Sasha Fierce" a person she "does not know, and wouldn't want to know". Those are her words from her mouth. She also said that she "wouldn't like" Sasha if she met her. Also she is often seen giving the Eye of Horus to her fans. If you don't know what that is than research it, but basically it's a Curse. Lastly in her video "VideoPhone" she is seen wearing a dress with the symbol for the Eye of Horus imprinted on it. Coincidence? I think not.