We could (and should) start a small army out of you people!
At any rate, here's the results:
3 Votes (12%)
3 Votes (12%)
9 Votes (36%)
4 Votes (16%)
Chuck Norris
4 Votes (16%)
Abraham Lincoln
2 Votes (8%)
And here's the facts we can gather from this information:
- Joel is not exactly the most popular of bloggers. Probably because of his personal hygiene
- Ben is equally as popular as Chuck Norris!
- 4 people will soon be found without faces. They will have been roundhouse kicked off.
- One voter is from... The United States? Yanks aren't allowed here! BEGONE OBESE PEST
- The blog has grown alot in one week.
- Nathaniel has 0 votes not because he is popular, but because he is nonexistant!
- The only true winner here is Good ol Abe. Who will be giving a victory speech later today.