Thursday, April 15, 2010

Where Are You Christmas?

Dear Mike... COD will never die... George Bush even likes it... He liked it so much that he decided to start a real war... K that was a crappy joke.. haha


I just realized how bad I am at writing haha... So i'll distract you with CELINE DION WORKOUT VIDEOS!!!  She's simply the best... Sorry Tina Turner... That's basically what I do with my free time... Watch Celine Dion videos... Just Kidding. Really though, all I do is youtube, but at the moment youtube isn't working with my favourite internet browers 'Opera' because I downloaded the new flash... Thank you Adobe.

Skyping, as we all know, is the new craze now-a-days, but it really bothers me how you can't do like big conference video calls yet... kind of stupid. So, today I was on with my friend Mallory, and she decided to impersonate a 'Who' from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. haha she's going to kill me for posting this picture of her.