Saturday, April 10, 2010

This is me! No... Wait, its not?

I know some of you followers out there may not
have actually met me face to face... So let me break this blogging silence with a brief article all about me.

My name is Dykut, I'm a Mage schooled in the arts of Arcane and Frost magic. I'm currently of the 80th level, and I am amazing.

From my youth, I have wandered around and continued the old Azerothian tradition of killing every animal or horde that happens to draw breath. I then scavenge their corpses to improve myself further.
(TRUE FACT: Wolves stomachs are a natural source of precious gems, armor, gold, and even weapons)

As you can see from the provided image, I am a proud member of Azeroth's most brilliant, cunning, and dashingly handsome race: I am a Gnome. And yes. I am BALD.

I started my travels in the Dwarven Province of Dun Morough, and traveled across all of the known world, spending a year training and journeying from place to place, progressing from one monster to the next. Impressing females of every race with my rugged Gnomish looks and natural Suave.

In Time, I approached the much anticipated 80th level... In fact, I was just 2 levels away. But disaster struck.

A human priest by the name of Hone somehow befriended me. And I was TRIXED into helping her level from 19 all the way to 80... A feat that takes months at the least. I did, in fact, hit 80 soon enough, but it was a shallow victory, as I had no time to enjoy the privileges of it.

Eventually, I began to do things reserved for level 80s. I joined a large guild, and we are currently fighting our way through the beasts of Icecrown Citadel, on our way to killing the Lich King!


Hang on, I'm being told that... I'm not really a Mage?
I'm not really Dykut?
But then how do I know all of this?


Apparently, my real name is Mike Daoust. And I live a ordinary life consisting of using the computer, staying at home, making small amounts of money from computer based projects, and going to highschool. I don't kill monsters. I cant teleport. I have no rugged good looks (Gnomish or otherwise), and I am more or less socially incompetent.

I do, however, randomly kill people and search their bodies for loot! IT WORKS! Try it some day!