Sunday, June 13, 2010


So, this morning Sam Desrosiers told Nolan, Ben and I a funny sexist joke.

"Why are women bad drivers?
Because there isn't a road between the kitchen and the bedroom"

I had to leave shortly after to go to work, and while at work I was thinking about this joke as well as the post that Joel made filled with sexist jokes about women (which I can't find anywhere, what happened to it???? or did I imagine the whole thing?). This got me thinking! I decided I would come home and make a super awesome blog post with sexist jokes about men. That didn't happen....
All the sexist jokes about men that I could find were TERRIBLE. They were either a) disgustingly perverted, or b) stupid. Now, I understand that they were trying to make the jokes as manly as possible (seeing how men are both of those things) but now women have no funny jokes about's sad and pathetic.
Now about this post, I actually found a really funny sexist joke that I think most of you will enjoy.

"Why do men like love at first sight?
It's like same day delivery on your new dishwasher!"


Now about the title: Carl!!!! This has to do with my disturbing answering of Joel's "finish the sentence" thing. A while ago, my brother, Josiah, showed me two videos on YouTube titled: Llamas with Hats. They are hilarious! Watch them and enjoy. (WARNING: they are slightly disturbing :P)

I have a question about posting. How do you get a video from YouTube to show up on the post? I know how to put a link to the video, but it would be cool to have the video with the post!!
And I would just like to add that I feel I should have a Biography paragraph under the "Awesome Bloggers" seeing how I am now one of them :D Just putting that out there.

Until next time loyal readers,
