Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hi, my name is Mallory and I love hanging out with my Christian friends: they're sooo cool. Today was my first poolside experience with my Christian buds and the first thought that popped to my head was "Where do I get a wet suit to cover up?!". Don't be offended now; I'm not familiar with the Christian code. So Joel came to pick me up and as we were biking happily through South Porcupine (Ghettoville), I asked him "I hope God loves fat people too!"-- in reference to my large Jewish body. I'm not really Jewish by the way... Although I do enjoy talking on the phone with Betty. 

I have also celebrated Yom Kippur... not showering for a whole day or eating sucks. I will never be Jewish. Enough about the Jewish religion, today I have made a revelation that Christians all have fantastic talents. Most of them can sing and shoot a gun. OH and I found out they can hold hands too! 

I love my Christian friends. I have a feeling this is going to be a FUN summer (alcohol NOT included). 

Love all you Christians out there,

Mallory (you're non-Christian friends)

P.S Someone has to convert me ASAP!